Expect southern hospitality at it’s absolute best – an informal, immersive and informative day filled with fun and excitement and, most importantly, Chris’ unfiltered commentary, great banter and lots of laughs.
Fiordland Jet is co-owner Chris Adam’s latest adventure, but Brightview Farm was his first. A proud farmer with a now diverse business portfolio, Chris is keen to show people how farming – and a few other things – can be done better. While taking the utmost care of the animals and land, he’s also worked hard to build a strong, sustainable business that he hopes will provide food for people around the world for many generations to come.

The Man House
Meet Chris
Travel across the Takitimu Mountain range either via vehicle (1 hour drive from Te Anau) or a stunning scenic helicopter flight (20mins) to Brightview Farm, with picturesque southland farmland along the way. Greet your host, Chris, at the main house and settle in with morning tea, a stunning view and a chat to get to know a bit more about the farm that has grown from quite modest beginnings into one heck of a power-house operation.

Head out on the farm
Brightview Farm
Brightview Farm is a 1200-hectare sheep, beef and high-producing dairy farm that prides itself on healthy, quality livestock and pastures. A farm tour includes the following optiosn to get as hand-on as you’d like:
- Visit a milking shed – be as ‘hands on’ as desired
- Watch a sheep shearing and dog herding display
- View the coal mine and learn about Brightview’s role in restoring the land
- Ride and operate a tractor and motor bike
- Collect free range eggs and feed hens
- Feed the pet sheep, pig, alpacas and deer–straight from your hand
- Plant a tree and leave your mark on the farm

Paddock to plate
Farm House Lunch
Back at the main house, you’ll enjoy an iconic Kiwi feed with (of course) all locally sourced meats and some Fiordland seafood all prepared by Chris himself and the team. Relax on the back patio at your leisure with an afternoon refreshment (or two) before heading off with a heap of new memories and experiences to tell your friends and family!

Book Your Private Brightview Farm Tour
Brightview is located 1 hour south of Te Anau/ 2hrs from Queenstown
Half or full day tours starting at $4,500 – includes fully hosted day with gourmet farm lunch and drinks 😉
Farm tours must be pre-booked and usually require plenty of notice.
Farm Stays also available – whole house rentals only.
Please get in touch – We’d love to host you!